terça-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2009

Cultural Care

Oii! Só estou passando aqui pra dizer que sabado vou a uma palestra da Cultural Care e estou pensando seriamente em me inscrever na CC tbm. O que vcs acham?

Essa semana fiquei um pouco irritada com umas coisas da APC, puxa eu pedi pra eles incluirem minhas experiencias com under 2 e fui reclamar de outra coisa, quando me mandaram a tela do meu application vi que não estava constando nada disso.. fiquei irritada!!!! Sem contar que na próxima terça-feira vai fazer 4 meses que estou online e nada de match.. eu acho mto estranho pq as duas familias que me adicionaram, uma foi indicação da minha orientadora e a ex au pair era brasileira e a outra eu achei no GAP, mas nenhuma que viu meu application me adicionou, claro que eu ja até mandei e-mail pedindo pra revisarem meu application e perguntando se posso incluir mais alguma coisa q me ajude e a resposta e sempre que esta td ótimo, não sei o que ótimo.. pq eu não consegui nada até agora L

domingo, 25 de janeiro de 2009



Muito obrigada pelas mensagens de apoio, vcs já são mto queridas e especias pra mim!!

Um grande bjo

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009

Pls me ajudem a entende-la

Meninas, por favor me ajudem entende-la!!!!!!
Vejam a baixo a continuação da nossa conversa (descupem os erros no inglês) srrsrs


Hi Lais, I wanted to let you know that I did match with another girl :( It was a difficult decision for me to not choose you!!!!!! I am sad about this.I really like you and your experience and your strong family bond. You are a smart and beautiful girl too!! I think I was too worried about you missing your family and boyfriend and wanting to go home. I know you said you would not, but I guess it was just the "mother" in me worrying about you. I hope the best for you and know you find a wonderful host family.Please keep in touch and let me know where you end up matching. If you are not happy with your host family.....call me!!!!With much love!!!Happy Birthday!!!!Christina~Datta and family


Hi! Christina,I really liked yr family and i was certain that i would like to live there with yr family and take care the kids and i know that sometimes will be difficult about the distance of my family but i really want to live in USA and i can coexist with the miss. I am certain of my decision!Does yr decision is only for finding that I can feel homesickness of my family? I would like to know what happened because I was wounding we were a match.I am sad in know that you closed with another girl, but I know that you must have yr reasons.Hope the best fr you and thanks fr all!Sincerely,Laís


Lais, You are a perfect candidate. Truly, your boyfriend was the only reason. Maybe I should have talked to your mom and boyfriend. I have heard many host families say girls that have boyfriends usually go home early because they miss them. This scared me about you. Other than this I really like you!! Do you want me to keep in touch with you???Again, I am really sorry!!!Warmly,C-


Christina,I think that if is my future to stay together with my boyfriend I will stay with him if i will go or not to USA, Only God knows what will be happened in my future. I have two friends that had a boyfriend and lived outside... one finished with the boyfriend, but the other one come back after almost two years and them they had been together. I only think that I am very young and in the first time I have to think about my studies and what I want to have of experience in my life... I know that you are married today, but I am certain that one day you already had this exactly thought. My boyfriend is one person very special, but I do not want to leave to make nothing in my life because of him and about my mother I love her, but I know that I go to obtain to be one year far.I understand yr decision, but I want that you know that I always have certainty of the things that I want.Sure! I would like to keep in touch with you , I like to talk with you.Sincerely,Laís


Hi Lais,You are very mature for your age and I like about you! I know that you would take great care of my kids and helping me in general. I believe you can be without your boyfriend and family now. I like that you have set your goals and you are achiveing them! I was defintely drawn to you for so many reasons. Mainly because you are so sweet and honest. I am sorry if I have upset you. This whole process has been very draining to try and find someone I can trust and would be a good role model for my children. There are so many girls who want to be an au pair and not very many fit your profile!!! I am upset as well.My match is not confirmed and if you like I can keep you updated on this. Let me know.Have a good night!!!Warm regards,


Hi! Christina,
I understand yr preocupation with yr family and yr reaction.
My opinion didn't change, I like yr family.... but i think that the decision is yours.
Have a great night!!

Eu só sei que esse meu ultimo e-mail foi enviado na terça-feira a noite e até agora ela não me respondeu, não da pra entender ela fala que eu sou a candidata perfeita e que o match dela não foi confirmado, pergunta se eu quero continuar conversando (depois de td isso) e depois some.... ai já cansei viu
E o pior de td é que eu tinha tanta convicção q ia dar certo, gostei tanto da familia q parece q eu não vou gostar mais de nenhuma.
Mas já decidi vou passar uma borracha em tudo isso, esquecer o programa pq amanhã é o meu ANIVERSARIO J
Não vou ficar sofrendo por uma pessoa que não sabe o que quer da vida e fica me dando falsas esperanças e do mesmo jeito entendo o lado dela também e mesmo assim gosto deles.... mas já acabou td isso... só queria entende-la.

terça-feira, 20 de janeiro de 2009

Não entendi!!!! (estou super triste)

Christina - Segunda a noite

Hi Lais, How are you? I was going to call you tonight, but my husband has a meeting ( we only have international service on his cell phone). How was your day today? What did you do? The kids did not have school because of Martin Luther King Day. We went to the park, beach (we saw a sea turtle and collected more shells) and then Kumon (Delillah's math class). It was a beautiful day today with perfect weather. The kids go back to school tomorrow and I am thinking of taking a yoga class..........wish me luck :) Talk to you soon!!!

Laís - terça-feira de manhã

Hi! Chris,I am very happy this week because on friday will be my birthday (22 years) i love to do a birthday :)I will celebrate my birthday in a Arab restaurant that I like so much, my brother like too because in the restaurant has a place to the kids to play and of course that i will buy a delicious cake of strawberry.Yesterday i worked a lot, because last week i was in a course, then i have many things to do in my job this week... but it's ok, the course was very good and i went in many places in São Paulo city (shoppings and restaurants). I arrived in my home 8:00 pm, i don't know if i already said to you that my job is very distance than my home, is in another city .. the distance is 60 kilometers. Yesterday when i arrived in home i only took a shower, did a dinner with my family and talked. When i was a kid, i had two turtles (of aquarium) the name of my turtles was the same my parents name Marco and Gislaine hahaha� �. I imagine that the kids loved to went a park and a beach.Ohhh Yoga class must be excellent, the girlfriend of my boyfriend's brother is a teacher of yoga, she loves... and the sister of my boyfriend is a personal trainer. Have a good luck with yr yoga class and please give me your feed back about the class.Have a nice day! Sincerely

Christina - terça-feira de manhã

Hi Lais, I wanted to let you know that I did match with another girl :( It was a difficult decision for me to not choose you!!!!!! I am sad about this. I really like you and your experience and your strong family bond. You are a smart and beautiful girl too!! I think I was too worried about you missing your family and boyfriend and wanting to go home. I know you said you would not, but I guess it was just the "mother" in me worrying about you. I hope the best for you and know you find a wonderful host family. Please keep in touch and let me know where you end up matching. If you are not happy with your host family.....call me!!!! With much love!!! Happy Birthday!!!! Christina~

Estou mto triste, estou pensando até em desistir do programa.. já faz qse 4 meses q estou em busca de family e quando tenho qse certeza q vai dar td certo acontece isso!

segunda-feira, 19 de janeiro de 2009

Será que tem bastante au pair na Florida!!!??

Hoje vou ter minha terceira ligação com a host mother, ela é uma graça e as kids são uma das crianças mais lindas que já vi... a HM me ligou ontém de manhã conversamos por uns 40 minutos apenas, pq ela tinha que ir a igreja :( mas ela me disse q estava preocupada pq percebeu q eu sou mto ligada a minha familia, meus dogs e ao meu namorado e tem medo de eu ir pra la e querer voltar.. dai eu expliquei q tenho certeza do q quero e q todos estão me apoiando nesta decisão.. tentei falar q se for pra eu ficar com meu namorado eu vou ficar indo ou não pros USA, mas foi dificil explicar isso em inglês rsrsrs.. mas o resto da conversa foi super tranquila na maioria das vezes entendo ela e se não entendo pergunto e ela sempre me ajuda , uma fofa.. ela me disse q Leu na net q geralmente as au pairs acham que estão indo de férias, eu disse q ela q sei q estou indo trabalhar mas q quero ser considerada como um membro da familia por q cuidar das kids dela pra mim não vai ser apenas um trabalho, quero cuidar deles com mto carinho e atenção, dai ela me disse q eu sou o tipo de garota que ela quer por perto das kids dela e que ela tem certeza q vou ser uma BIG SISTER J dai ela ficou de me ligar ontém a noite de novo, mas me mandou um e-mail dizendo q tentou falar comigo e não conseguiu, mas q vai ligar hoje e mandou um e-mail todo fofo dizendo q ela vai me ensinar a fazer comida americana (eu pedi isso a ele durante nossa ligação) e que vai me mostrar mtos lugares e q ela quer mto me ajudar com o inglês. Ah e o principal no final da nossa ligação de ontém ela me disse: laís converse com a sua familia q eu vou conversar com meu marido e decidiremos sobre o match nessa semana......... AI MEU DEUS, Será q vai dar td certo? Pq ela já esta falando como se ja tivesse certeza q eu vou ser au pair delas, mas até agora eu não tenho nenhuma confirmação L estou super ansiosa, mas se Deus quiser vai dar td certo... gostei deles desde a primeira ligação e eu queria mto que eles entrassem na agencia e agora ela entrou.. ah e eu questionei ela sobre ela ter entrado na agencia e ela me disse meu marido entendeu q eu gostei mto de vc (D++++ neh)

Meninas torçam por mim, quero mto essa family.

sexta-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2009

Um milagre aconteceu


Vcs não vão acreditar, pq eu não estou acreditando....... lembram da Christina? então estive fora a semana toda pq fui fazer um curso em SP.. quando cheguei hj no trabalho e abri meu e-mai, recebi um e-mail da cristina dizendo que ela entrou na au pair care e quer falar comigo novamente!!!!!! Vcs acreditam???? pq eu não estou acreditando, quando vi a mensagem até passei mal, nossa to mto feliz, ansiosa ... ah e já recebi uma mensagem da au pair care dizendo que eles já me adicionaram.... se td isso der certo é pq papai do céu esta sendo mto maravilhoso comigo..... não vejo a hora de falar com ela.......... por favor torçam por mim, quero mto essa familia!!!! bjus

sexta-feira, 9 de janeiro de 2009

mensagem da Host Mother (Florida)

Nossa troca de e-mails no dia seguinte da nossa conversa ao telefone:


Good day! Christina,

Was wonderful to talk with you yesterday and the kids are so cute.

You are very likeable, amused and seems to be lawful.

If it’s possible please send me a message with the schedule.

If you would like you can talk with Cinthya, she is the Enrico’s mother and she can to give you some references about me… I can inform you her phone number ( she speaks English) ?

I am sending to you another pictures, of my best friend’s birthday, was last weekend… in the second picture you will see 4 friends, we are friend since 1998 ( we studied together) and the 3? and 4? picture is my best friend, we are friends since I was born and my mother and her mother are friends since they were a kids. I don’t have many friends, but all my friends are so specials.

I am able if you have some questions for me.

Have a nice day! J

Best Regards,


Hi Lais, I didn't think you were interested outside of Au Pair Care. If you are, I would love to pursue things further and have you as our au pair. I did enjoy speaking with you as well and feel you are a very honest person too. You seem very sweet, which is the kind of girl I want around my girls and Blake. They would be looking up to you. We are very lawful and trustworthy, loving and caring people. My husband is a well respected spine surgeon here in Melbourne and I used to be an ICU nurse before I had my children. Please let me know how you feel about things. Thank you again!!


Hello! Christina,

I really liked your family very much, however I already paid the agency and for me is more easy to go with the agency therefore they goes to assume the costs with the trip and will have assistance in the USA.

I am sad in not being able to go of another form, but I am certain that they will find a wonderful au pair.

Kisses for you and the children and desire that everything gives certain.



Thank you Lais for your honesty. Should you find it difficult to find the right family and you think you like us, please contact me. I would be willing to help pay any and all costs that the agency would pay for you and more! Including your sign up fees. I would also provide you with many references as well. Thank you again, Good luck in your search!

Foi assim que tudo acabou!!!

quinta-feira, 8 de janeiro de 2009

3 meses sem familia

Só pra ficar registrado que ontém fez 3 meses que estou online e sem match ainda :(

3 meses sem familia

Só opra ficar registrado que ontém fez 3 meses que estou online e nada de match ainda :(

quarta-feira, 7 de janeiro de 2009

Fotos do Niver da minha amiga

Estou triste!!!!!

Ola! Vou contar pra vocês o que aconteceu.... segunda-feira uma familia do GAP me mandou um e-mail dizendo que gostou muito do meu profile e começamos a trocar algumas mensagens, eu gostei mto deles e a mãe me perguntou se podia me ligar eu disse que sim e ontém a noite ela me ligou.. ficamos +/- uma hora no telefone, nem eu sei como conseguimos conversar tanto, ela é mto legal, parece ser bem atenciosa, carinhosa com as kids e é bem divertida, adorei ela e gostamos de mtas coisas parecidas, ela gostou bastante de mim tbm.. até ai td bem, mas vem o lado ruin da história... eles não querem fechar com agencia, pq ela me disse que é mto caro.... mas mesmo assim ela me disse que ia conversar com o marido sobre isso... dai hoje de manhã ela me mandou uma mensagem pedindo pra eu pensar sobre a possibilidade de ir sem agencia , que ela gostou mto de mim :( e é claro que eu mandei um e-mail pedindo desculpas e tal, mas que não gostaria de ir sem agencia.... qse chorei qndo mandei esse e-mail.. essa familia é realmente mto boa, e pra completar eles moram na Florida há 5 minutos da praia e as kids são LINDAS!!!
Mas td bem bola pra frente :)