quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2009

Pls me ajudem a entende-la

Meninas, por favor me ajudem entende-la!!!!!!
Vejam a baixo a continuação da nossa conversa (descupem os erros no inglês) srrsrs


Hi Lais, I wanted to let you know that I did match with another girl :( It was a difficult decision for me to not choose you!!!!!! I am sad about this.I really like you and your experience and your strong family bond. You are a smart and beautiful girl too!! I think I was too worried about you missing your family and boyfriend and wanting to go home. I know you said you would not, but I guess it was just the "mother" in me worrying about you. I hope the best for you and know you find a wonderful host family.Please keep in touch and let me know where you end up matching. If you are not happy with your host family.....call me!!!!With much love!!!Happy Birthday!!!!Christina~Datta and family


Hi! Christina,I really liked yr family and i was certain that i would like to live there with yr family and take care the kids and i know that sometimes will be difficult about the distance of my family but i really want to live in USA and i can coexist with the miss. I am certain of my decision!Does yr decision is only for finding that I can feel homesickness of my family? I would like to know what happened because I was wounding we were a match.I am sad in know that you closed with another girl, but I know that you must have yr reasons.Hope the best fr you and thanks fr all!Sincerely,Laís


Lais, You are a perfect candidate. Truly, your boyfriend was the only reason. Maybe I should have talked to your mom and boyfriend. I have heard many host families say girls that have boyfriends usually go home early because they miss them. This scared me about you. Other than this I really like you!! Do you want me to keep in touch with you???Again, I am really sorry!!!Warmly,C-


Christina,I think that if is my future to stay together with my boyfriend I will stay with him if i will go or not to USA, Only God knows what will be happened in my future. I have two friends that had a boyfriend and lived outside... one finished with the boyfriend, but the other one come back after almost two years and them they had been together. I only think that I am very young and in the first time I have to think about my studies and what I want to have of experience in my life... I know that you are married today, but I am certain that one day you already had this exactly thought. My boyfriend is one person very special, but I do not want to leave to make nothing in my life because of him and about my mother I love her, but I know that I go to obtain to be one year far.I understand yr decision, but I want that you know that I always have certainty of the things that I want.Sure! I would like to keep in touch with you , I like to talk with you.Sincerely,Laís


Hi Lais,You are very mature for your age and I like about you! I know that you would take great care of my kids and helping me in general. I believe you can be without your boyfriend and family now. I like that you have set your goals and you are achiveing them! I was defintely drawn to you for so many reasons. Mainly because you are so sweet and honest. I am sorry if I have upset you. This whole process has been very draining to try and find someone I can trust and would be a good role model for my children. There are so many girls who want to be an au pair and not very many fit your profile!!! I am upset as well.My match is not confirmed and if you like I can keep you updated on this. Let me know.Have a good night!!!Warm regards,


Hi! Christina,
I understand yr preocupation with yr family and yr reaction.
My opinion didn't change, I like yr family.... but i think that the decision is yours.
Have a great night!!

Eu só sei que esse meu ultimo e-mail foi enviado na terça-feira a noite e até agora ela não me respondeu, não da pra entender ela fala que eu sou a candidata perfeita e que o match dela não foi confirmado, pergunta se eu quero continuar conversando (depois de td isso) e depois some.... ai já cansei viu
E o pior de td é que eu tinha tanta convicção q ia dar certo, gostei tanto da familia q parece q eu não vou gostar mais de nenhuma.
Mas já decidi vou passar uma borracha em tudo isso, esquecer o programa pq amanhã é o meu ANIVERSARIO J
Não vou ficar sofrendo por uma pessoa que não sabe o que quer da vida e fica me dando falsas esperanças e do mesmo jeito entendo o lado dela também e mesmo assim gosto deles.... mas já acabou td isso... só queria entende-la.

6 comentários:

~*~ Paloma ~*~ disse...

Oie..te achei no blog da Hane;)
Então,eu sei mto bem o q vc tá passando,eu tbm tive contato com uma host family que eu achava que estava quase certo,trocamos emails por umas duas semanas,falamos ao telefone,eu tinha sentido aquele feeling que as garotas sentem, e essa mesma sensação q vc tá sentindo,de que não vai gostar de nenhuma outra familia,não tinha vontade nem de trocar emails com outra familia...rs..tdo bem que apareceu essa outra familia logo depois e eu fiz o match, mas não senti o que senti com aquela outra,mas adorei eles, Deus faz as coisas certas...e vai dar tudo certo...

Carol future/current/former au pair disse...

lais nao fk assim nao!!

eu sei mtu bem oq vc passou.. aconteceu o msm e quer saber.. teve outra familia q o feeling foi maior ainda.. nao fechamos, mais ja tenho confirmado com ela 1 semana das minhas ferias na casa dela, nao como nanny mais como amiga!!! e o convite veio dela e do nada... fk trste nao q passa

bjxxx e ja falo.. feliz niverrrr

Hane disse...

Lais, concordo com a paloma, oq tiver q ser vai ser. vc gostou deles dá pra ver...mas nao fique triste pq existem mtas outras familias boas por us. se nao for eles, vai ser outra. tenha paciencia e confia em deus!

Hane disse...

*feliz aniversario :)

Isis Oliveira disse...

Mew que loucura né!?!!?
Mas assim Laís, não se abale com isso não, fique calma e tente encontrar sua família "perfeita" nãos e desespere, pelo visto a HM ta tão desesperadae confusa com você. Deixe tudo nas mãos de Deus, e só pessa (ta certo isso?) a ele paciência!!! Acho que o tempo de espera de uma futura au pair, é um treinamento pra engoliar sapos... hauahsuashsa... chega nos EUA macia maciaaa já... hehehe


Mari Frederizi disse...

Nuss Lah!!
Realmente...eh dificil entender!!
Mas vamos lah...se realmente não rolar com essa family bola pra frente!!
Sei q vc gostou bastante dela...mas com certeza tem mtas outras familys legais esperando por nós!!
Boa sorte com tudooooo!!
Tenha um ótimo fds!!